Guide: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Cyberpunk 2077: Skills, Gear, and Strategies

  • 18-02-2024 |
  • Polad Aladi

Entering the sprawling urban landscape of Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 can be both exhilarating and daunting for newcomers. Navigating through its myriad of challenges requires not just sharp reflexes but also a deep understanding of the skills, gear, and strategic gameplay it demands. This guide aims to equip beginners with foundational knowledge and strategies to not just survive but thrive in the dystopian world of Cyberpunk 2077.

Understanding Character Classes

The flexibility of character development in Cyberpunk 2077 means players can blend skills across three primary archetypes: Solo, Netrunner, and Techie. Solos excel in direct combat, Netrunners in hacking, and Techies in crafting and machinery. Mixing and matching these skills based on your play style is crucial to developing a character that can handle the challenges of Night City.

Mastering Cyberware

Cyberware are technological enhancements that offer new abilities or improve existing ones. From arm blades for melee combat to cyberdecks for hacking, choosing the right augmentations is key to defining your approach to missions. Prioritize cyberware that complements your chosen skills and playstyle.

Cyberpunk 2077 game

Getting to Grips with Combat

Combat in Cyberpunk 2077 is dynamic, combining gunplay, melee, and hacking. Success relies on not just skill but also situational awareness. Using cover, understanding enemy weaknesses, and alternating between combat modes can mean the difference between survival and defeat.

Navigating Night City

Night City is vast and filled with opportunities and dangers. Learning to navigate its districts is essential. Pay attention to the level recommendations for each area to avoid wandering into high-danger zones unprepared.

Investing in the Right Skills

Your skill choices should align with your preferred playstyle while remaining versatile enough to handle unexpected situations. Focus on leveling up skills that enhance your effectiveness in combat, hacking, or whatever area fits your character build.

Cyberpunk 2077 video game

Understanding Crafting and Upgrades

Crafting in Cyberpunk 2077 allows you to create weapons, armor, and cyberware while upgrades improve their performance. Investing time in crafting and upgrades can significantly boost your capability in tough encounters.

Strategizing Hack Attacks

Hacking is a powerful tool, offering both offensive and defensive capabilities. Whether it's disabling cameras, distracting enemies, or attacking their cyberware, mastering hacking can provide a significant tactical advantage.

Building Relationships with Key Characters

Interacting with Cyberpunk 2077’s diverse cast of characters can open new pathways and opportunities. Building relationships is not just about advancing the story but can also lead to useful alliances and rewards.

Cyberpunk 2077

Exploring Side Missions and Activities

Beyond the main story, Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with side missions and activities that offer unique experiences and rewards. Engaging in these can provide additional resources and deepen your understanding of Night City.

Adapting to Different Scenarios

Flexibility is crucial in Cyberpunk 2077. Being open to changing your approach based on the mission or challenge you face will make you more effective and enhance your overall experience.

Cyberpunk 2077 Keanu

Embarking on the journey through Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 is a thrilling adventure. With the right approach to skills, gear, and gameplay strategies, you can carve your path through its neon-drenched streets and dark alleys, emerging as a formidable force in this captivating world. Equip yourself wisely, and embrace the chaos of the future.